Monthly Archives: August 2023

Brockton Writers Series 13.09.23: David Nickle

David Nickle is an award-winning author of horror and speculative fiction. His most recent novel is VOLK: A Novel of Radiant Abomination, completing The Book of the Juke duology that began with EUTOPIA: A Novel of Terrible Optimism.

Eutopia: A Novel of Terrible Optimism Book Trailer

Available from ChiZine Publications, Eutopia: A Novel of Terrible Optimism is a story of the early American eugenics movement, misguided industrial utopianism — and a terrible monster.

Alex Good in The National Post wrote: “Toronto author David Nickle’s debut novel, the followup to his brilliantly wicked collection of horror stories Monstrous Affections, establishes him as a worthy heir to the mantle of Stephen King.”

Watch the book trailer here:

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Brockton Writers Series 13.09.23: Lisa Cai

Lisa Cai is from Toronto, Canada. She graduated from Western University with a Master of Library and Information Science and works in IT. She has been published in The DarkPolar BorealisThe Future Fire, and elsewhere. She volunteers for NaNoWriMo and is a submissions editor for Speculative North Magazine.

My NaNoWriMo — Attempting to Write 50,000 Words

What is NaNoWriMo?

NaNoWriMo, an abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month, is a challenge to write at least 50,000 words in November. Participants usually pick a novel length project to work on, but others will choose nonfiction, short story collections, continue an ongoing project, etc. The intention is to get participants writing.

Participants must write at least an average of 1,667 words every day to reach 50,000 words. While this challenge appears daunting, it is achievable. How can this be done?

The Community

You do not have to write in isolation. One of the most important resources as a writer is to surround yourself with other creative people. In November, the official NaNoWriMo headquarters hosts many virtual write-ins. Attendees from all over the world are welcome to join.

Locally, a volunteer team comprised of moderators and municipal liaison(s) will host social and writing events with fellow participants. These meetups are a mix of virtual and in-person get-togethers where you can connect with others and write together.

The Toronto region is one of the largest, with annually over a thousand participants. Our write-ins are hosted on the subway, in cafés, libraries, and bookstores, to name a few. Other meetups, such as our cemetery walks and museum tours, are intended to inspire attendees. Hearing keyboards clacking, and seeing people scribbling, leaning towards their notebooks, and writing in unison encourages participants to write faster and complete projects. After NaNoWriMo, many continue with their stories and participate in write-ins hosted by the local volunteer team or form their own.

Although the goal is to reach 50,000 words, it isn’t a failure if your word count is low. Many don’t ‘win.’ It may take years to get there, but NaNoWriMo is a challenge meant to encourage you to get into the habit of writing. Writing one word in November means you’ve added one more word to your manuscript that you didn’t have before.

How can you participate?

To officially mark yourself as a participant, you can register on this site. After selecting a region, you can locate their page where there is further information about the volunteer team and receive communications about upcoming events and information. Active regions, such as Toronto, have a full calendar of events that happen in November and throughout the year. I look forward to writing with you on this journey.

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Wednesday, September 13th, 2023—6:30 p.m.

Brockton Writers Series presents readings by:

David Nickle

Lisa Cai

Zilla Jones

Special note: As we adapt with current social distancing regulations, we’re happy to announce our event will be hosted in-person at the Glad Day Bookshop, located at 499 Church St., Toronto. We will also live stream the event on the Brockton Writers Series YouTube channel! The event starts at 6:30 p.m.

The reading is PWYC (suggested $3-$5) and features a Q&A with the writers afterward. Books are available for sale.

 If you’d like to donate, please do so here.

Many thanks to the Ontario Arts Council for their support.



“The Amherst Writers Method: Generate Creativity and Cultivate Community” by Alex Cafarelli

Photo credit Mée Rose

Alex Cafarelli is a genderqueer femme Jewish Witch based in Toronto. Their spoken word has been featured across North America on themes of queer sexuality, survivorship, chronic illness, ritual, and activism. Alex facilitates creative writing workshops and is currently an MFA candidate in Creative Writing at the University of Guelph. 


David Nickle is an award-winning author of horror and speculative fiction. His most recent novel is VOLK: A Novel of Radiant Abomination, completing The Book of the Juke duology that began with EUTOPIA: A Novel of Terrible Optimism.

Lisa Cai is from Toronto, Canada. She graduated from Western University with a Master of Library and Information Science and works in IT. She has been published in The DarkPolar BorealisThe Future Fire, and elsewhere. She volunteers for NaNoWriMo and is a submissions editor for Speculative North Magazine.


Zilla Jones, African Canadian from Treaty 1 (Winnipeg), is a 2023 Journey Prize winner, Writers Trust Bronwen Wallace award finalist, and has won numerous short fiction awards, including from the Malahat Review and Prism. Her debut novel The World So Wide and short story collection So Much To Tell will be published in 2025 and 2026, details of which will be on social media in October 2023.

Social Media:

Zilla Jones on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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